Britain's Most Loved and Best Comedy Double Act

The Morecambe & Wise Show : Series 3

DVD Review from 2007

DVD cover

Introducing the show

Fenella Fielding appears

Ernie's play
After the change of writer for the start of series two, it was clear that the combination of Eric, Ern and Eddie Braben was something special.

The third series goes on to confirm this with a dazzling 7 episode from early 1970. It is hard to believe that these shows were written nearly 30 years ago with Eric and Ern on top form throughout.

1970 saw two whole series from this team, series 3 and 4. This two disc set contains all the shows from series three. Because this series ended in April, there was no Christmas show, that came later as part of series four.

We do get, however, the 30 minute Montreux entry, which can either be taken as episode 5, or as an additional extra.

The date of the Montreux entry falls between episode 5 and 6 – so take your pick. This DVD places it in the right order, but adds a special tag so you know what it is.

Talking of order, there seems to be some discrepancy with show orders, all material we have seen and found indicate a different running order, but it’s a small niggle. (there's no answer to that!)

As with the previous release, the video and audio transfer is good, and also as with the previous release, the only let down is the lack of extras.

It has been noted, that some of the shows seem to be missing bits here and there, an example being the Nina sketch (seen in the intro) from episode 2, which crops up in the Montreux show and a rather short ending of episode 1 (without Janet Webb's ending speech)

But what we do get is full on Eric and Ern coupled with the brilliant Braben scripts providing over 6 hours of glorious entertainment just as we remembered it. Why don't we get quality like this today?

The start of show introduction, the flat sketches, the bedroom sketches and of course the plays what Ernie wrote. Of course there is the fair share of special guests although not in the same league as Peter Cushing. Herman’s Hermits, Ian Carmichael, Fenella Fielding and Diane Cilento all make an appaearance.

There are many favourite routines held in this series. We still laughed at Ern trying to take a bath as Eric tormented him, at last in all it's glory and not cut like on the previous BBC compilations. Eric’s antics in Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton always raise a smile and so many more that have gone on to be classics.

As usual there is the assortment of musical guests with regular spots from Kenny Ball and The Pattersons. Ann Hamilton is always on hand to play any female character required, and her often underrated contribution completes the magic.

Here’s looking forward to the next series.

© 2007

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