On the television...

Zippy watches Ern on TV

Ern give Zippy some advice
Season 17 - Episode 1276 - First shown Thursday September 7 1989
The show opens with Zippy watching Ernie telling jokes on the TV, ending his routine with Bring Me Sunshine. Zippy and Geoffrey join in the dance (oh dear!) and Zippy decides he wants to be a comedian.
Once in bed, he dreams that he is on a TV talent show called "Who's A Lucky Person?" and after the first half isn't doing very well with his jokes. Especially the one about what birds eat for breakfast - tweetabix and shredded tweet!
The other contestants on the show are Bungle (doing a ballet routine and George playing a trumpet. The whole thing is compared by Geoffrey looking scarily like Lionel Blair, complete with wig and shiny suit.
As Zippy sits in his dressing room, depressed about how bad he's doing when who should appear but Ernie.
He helps Zippy with some jokes and delivery, and then leaves Zippy to go on and win the contest.
See Geoffrey and Zippy's poor attempt in the
Video Clips section.
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