Sun Promotional DVD
DVD Review from 2008

DVD cover
This promotional DVD is a cut down version of the 'Comedy Greats' video produced in 1999 and was released to promote the new 'The Best Of Morecambe & Wise' DVD.
Having almost 20 minutes missing I suppose might give the viewer some incentive to rush out and buy the new DVD, but then again any fan of the boys would already have it, or at least be planning to get it.
At the time the new DVD was the best offering of Morecambe & Wise material on the format but it has since been eclipsed by the recent full series releases by 2 Entertain.
For the curious the full VIDEO content was:
Intro - Hamlet, Living room - Glenda Jackson, Antony & Cleopatra, Vanishing piano, Eric Porter, Vanishing piano 2, Byron meets Keats, Eating crisps, Ernie's book gets published, Monty on the Bonty, Vanishing piano 3, Streaker, My blue heaven, In bed with the Dandy, Rattle, Arise Sir Ernest, Giant dummy, Draughty bedroom, The Stripper, Supermarket, Table football, Shuttle cock, Singing in the rain, Bring me Sunshine.
Items missing from this Sun DVD Promo version:
Living room with Glenda, Antony & Cleopatra, My Blue Heaven, Stripper, Supermarket, Table football, Shuttle cock, Singing in the rain.
© 2008